Woman with face mask in manufacturing.

About Our Company

Sumitomo Chemical America, Inc. (SCAI)是美洲正规手机网赌软件,在北美和南美提供销售和营销活动. We are proud to work with talented teams of scientists, salespeople, 以及代表母公司不同业务部门的美洲各集团公司的其他员工. 每一项卓越的业务都延伸了正规手机网赌软件造福社会的企业理念, 不仅仅是正规手机网赌软件自己的利益——从制造用于先进太阳能电池的产品到保护城市白蜡树免受入侵的祖母绿白蜡树蛀虫的侵害.

In keeping with the principles of our parent company, SCAI致力于为客户提供高品质的产品和技术正规手机网赌软件, and to making a positive contribution to society at large.


In 2015, we celebrated 100 years in business. 正规手机网赌软件重申企业社会责任(CSR)在正规手机网赌软件业务运作中的重要性,并作出承诺, as part of our corporate vision, to help solve global challenges through the power of chemistry, or what we refer to as Creative Hybrid Chemistry.

化学拥有几乎无限的潜力,可以为威胁世界可持续发展的无数问题创造正规手机网赌软件, including environmental issues, natural resource and energy problems, food shortages, and poverty. At Sumitomo Chemical, 作为一家多元化的化工公司,正规手机网赌软件努力结合多年来积累的技术和专业知识,开发创新的正规手机网赌软件和产品.


Core Principles

At Sumitomo Chemical, 正规手机网赌软件遵循的核心原则是,正规手机网赌软件不仅要追求商业利润,还要通过正规手机网赌软件的商业活动为社会做出贡献. 这种“住友精神”是基于正友住友的指导原则, 他是一位佛教僧侣,也是17世纪住友家族的创始人, who urged family members to conduct business with honesty, prudence, and certainty.

正规手机网赌软件的信条是:“正规手机网赌软件的企业必须造福于整个社会,而不仅仅是正规手机网赌软件自己的利益。.“jiri - rita Koushi-Ichinyo提醒正规手机网赌软件正规手机网赌软件的业务必须使自己受益(jiri),同时为国家和社会的利益服务(rita)。”. 这一教导强调了保持企业利益与公众利益之间和谐的重要性。. 住友化学的核心原则在正规手机网赌软件的业务原则(成立于1891年)中有明确的表达。, our Business Philosophy, and our Corporate Statement.

The Sumitomo Spirit: Sumitomo’s Business Principles

  1. 住友将以诚信和健全的管理作为其经营的首要任务,在坚实的基础上实现繁荣.
  2. Sumitomo’s business interest must always be in harmony with public interest; Sumitomo shall adapt to good times and bad times but will not pursue immoral business.

Sumitomo Chemical’s Business Philosophy

  1. We commit ourselves to creating new value by building on innovation.
  2. We work to contribute to society through our business activities.
  3. 正规手机网赌软件发展充满活力的企业文化,继续做一个社会可以信任的公司.

Sumitomo Chemical Charter for Business Conduct

正规手机网赌软件相信,以最高的道德标准开展业务并履行自己的责任是正规手机网赌软件的责任. 《正规网赌软件下载》阐明了正规手机网赌软件建立合规体系的基本指导原则.

  1. 正规手机网赌软件将尊重住友的经营理念,做受人尊敬的好公民.
  2. We will observe laws and regulations, both at home and abroad, and will carry out activities in accordance with our corporate rules.
  3. 正规手机网赌软件将开发和提供对社会进步有重大贡献的实用、安全的产品和技术.
  4. 正规手机网赌软件将参与自愿和积极的举措,以实现零事故和零伤害的操作和保护全球环境.
  5. We will conduct business transactions based on fair and free competition.
  6. We will endeavor to make our workplaces sound and energetic.
  7. 正规手机网赌软件每个人都将努力成为专业人士,在正规手机网赌软件的责任领域取得先进的技能和专业知识.
  8. We will actively communicate with our various stakeholders, including shareholders, customers, and local communities.
  9. As a corporate member of an international society, 正规手机网赌软件将尊重世界各地区的文化和习俗,为各地区的发展作出贡献.
  10. 正规手机网赌软件将根据本文所述的指导原则开展业务活动,努力实现公司的持续发展.